5 Best Practices To Test an E-Commerce Website

QAble Testlab Private Limited
6 min readMay 21, 2021


Test E-commerce Website

In the present scenario, the majority of people shop online. Also, E-commerce websites have changed the perspective of the users as they shop whatever they want just by sitting at home.

Also, it offers varieties to the consumers and saves their time as well. Moreover, this is the time of pandemic where people are avoiding physical meetings and going to any public place.

Hence it encourages people to shop online whatever they want. We all are quite aware of the advantages of the E-commerce website, and here we will mention some best practices to test an E-commerce website.

Furthermore, if you are planning to have your own E-commerce website, analyze it on certain parameters. We will explain the parameters in the coming section.

As we know the worth of E-commerce websites, hence you should test it under all possible environments. However, we have seen people ignoring testing their E-commerce websites properly.

As a result, they have to face the bad consequences of it. Hence, testing a product is essential prior to bring it into the public domain.

And when it is the time of Covid-19, people rely much on E-commerce websites, and hence it is our primary responsibility to test the platform thoroughly.

We are a leading testing company in India, and by gathering all our experiences we are mentioning the 5 best practices that one should follow in order to test their E-commerce Website.

Checklist to test an E-commerce Website

Despite your E-commerce website is looking fine, do not forget to test it properly. Testing highlights the requirements missed during the development process. The activity also shows defects and bugs in the software.

A tested product brings more reliability. Hence testing an E-commerce platform is even more important because your business reputation is at stake.

We are sharing a checklist that will help you in testing the website that further makes your E-commerce website more reliable, robust, innovative, and flexible.

1. Home page:

The home page is the first interface where a user comes. Hence home page should be strong enough to bear the traffic and also the expectation of the people.

The home page speaks about the website, services, and products. So, it should be appealing and has the ability to bind the users.

An attractive and user-friendly home page empowers the entire E-commerce website so, the QA team should always examine the features of the home page accurately.

Here are the things that the QA team should follow during testing:

  • How is the scroll feature working?
  • Whether the refresh feature is correctly working or not?
  • What happens when we hover the mouse on any image or option?
  • If all the clicks are working fine or not?
  • Whether clicking on the page or button is taking to the right page or direction?
  • If Images are viewing properly?
  • If the color combination is eye-catchy or not?
  • The behavior of the home page across other mobile devices and screen resolutions.
  • If the content is readable?
  • If the logo is correctly placed or not?
  • Header and footer are proper or not?

Hence these are the concepts that must be in mind while testing the home page of an E-commerce website.

2. Product Category

As we are quite aware that E-commerce websites contain a wide range of products, and each product relates to any specific category. While testing the E-commerce website, the testing team should test all categories properly.

Sometimes wrong mapping of products is done, and users become upset. Hence validating the products against the specific category is mandatory.

During testing category of products keep these things in mind:

  • The spelling of the category should be correct.
  • Check whether the related product is under a specific category or not?
  • Images of category should be relevant.
  • Featured category images are properly placed or not.

3.Product Detail Page

The product detail page is very important for an E-commerce website. Whenever a user comes he or she checks the complete detail of the product from the detail page only.

The page should contain complete requirements in a precise way. Hence testing the product detail page is essential during testing the performance of the E-commerce website.

Also, without a product detail page, the website can never be complete because no one is going to buy any product without getting the complete detail.

Also, the product detail page has lots of minute things that you should examine under various conditions. So when you start testing a product detail page, follow these things for sure:

  • How images are showing on the page.
  • How many variants are available for a particular product?
  • Price and quantity of the product.
  • Whether the written specification is appearing properly or not?
  • How the check out feature is working?
  • If the product/products are getting added after clicking on add to cart?
  • Whether the quantity of the product is changing on click of the counter?
  • Color combination of the page.
  • View of the page across other screen resolutions.
  • Feature of in-stock and out of stock.

4. Shopping cart

An E-commerce website is of no use if its cart is not working. Users will only be able to place their orders after adding them to the cart only.

Also, all the calculations are made from the cart only. Even in day-to-day life whenever we plan to shop for something, we add them to a cart, and from there final order is placed.

Hence, the QA team should test the cart thoroughly. Moreover, whenever you test the cart, always place an order by selecting some dummy products in the live environment. It gives a clear picture of the cart’s behavior.

Logical calculations are involved in the cart, and hence one should test it properly. Various conditions should be there to test the cart feature. Also, the QA team should test a cart by considering the following things:

  • Whether the cart is making accurate calculations or not?
  • What happens when we click on check out?
  • Can we add or delete products from the cart?
  • If the taxes are properly applied or not?
  • Whether the discount coupons or vouchers are properly working under the cart?
  • Always check the price of the product added to the cart.
  • What happens when we close the system just by adding the products to the cart?
  • If the previously added products are shown in the cart or not?
  • Whether all the buttons on the cart page is working fine?
  • Design of the page across various screen resolution.

5. Payment Process

When payments are involved in a system, it becomes more serious. Also, as we know, lots of scams and frauds are going on in the market so, we need to be extra protective when the payment process is there.

Moreover, we can not put people’s money at stake so, the QA team should test the payment process. As we know, during online shopping there are two options. Either one can pay online instantly by using the payment method or cash on delivery.

So while testing the payment process, you should verify these questions:

  • The developer has incorporated which payment gateway?
  • What kind of support is being offered by the service provider?
  • What is the turnaround time for the payment processing?
  • What happens if the internet disconnects instantly after filling the payment details?
  • How can we provide support if the payment is deducted but did not credit?
  • How login and payment process is related? If is it working correctly?

So, guys, these are the main 5 concepts that should be tested on priority when you start testing an E-commerce website.

Being a leading QA company in India, we know the worth of quality and hence we always encourage people to make their products reliable and flexible.

Hence if you are the one who is looking to bring their business online, do not forget to test it under all the scenarios. The era is too competitive and we all should always offer the best and trustworthy product in the market.

If you offer quality, no one can stop your growth. Furthermore, we are always available to provide consultation for testing. Feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist.

Also, keep browsing the page to know more about the concept of QA. Stay safe and keep growing.



QAble Testlab Private Limited
QAble Testlab Private Limited

Written by QAble Testlab Private Limited

QAble: A leading software testing company. We offer various software testing services to help you to achieve the best quality of your web & mobile application.

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