The Basics of Web Application Testing

QAble Testlab Private Limited
5 min readDec 16, 2021


Basic of web application testing

The development of any application is incomplete without proper testing. Testing has its own cycle that precisely monitors the performance of any web application. Further, it uncovers all the bugs and increases the potential of an application.

Also, quality testing assures the performance of an application and enables you to deliver a great customer experience. We all know, the ultimate aim behind any application is client engagement.

client engagement is always dependent upon the performance of an application. Being a leading software testing company in India, QAble keeps exploring the concepts in order to make your web application more reliable and goal-oriented.

In this series, you will get to know about the basics of web application testing.

What is Web application testing?

Either we say web application testing or website application testing, both are the same. Analyzing the performance of a web application as per the requirement document comes under web application testing.

The QA team highlights the bugs and reports them to the concerned developers. Also, identification of bugs at the earlier stage is beneficial for the company and developers because it saves cost and time.

It is the reason, QA team performs the testing module-wise. It means, as soon as the developer has finished a module, the testing team checks it immediately.

If you ignore it, the minute issue raises big problems in the end, and if this bug comes during production, it will definitely take ten times more cost and effort. Hence, we always recommend following testing protocol in a disciplined way to assure the performance of your web application.

Following each testing step comes under the basics of web application testing, and ignoring the same will lead you in the wrong way

Web application testing example

Testing needs technical knowledge along with an imaginary approach. As you know, investors make applications for audiences only. Hence, you are required to test an application on behalf of the users.

They can click anywhere, and you need to cover the maximum possible scenarios. While testing a web application, always keep one thing in mind. Your majority of the users are non-technical, so you need to keep things simple.

We can explore the concept through one web application testing example. Suppose a web application has these elements:

  • Products Category
  • Listing of Products
  • Add to Cart
  • Payment Gateway

Testing Approaches:

To test the above-said application, you need to follow the pattern in a synchronized way.

Firstly, check out the User-Interface (UI).

  • Check all the elements available on the screen such as scroll bar, font, text, font color, labels, description, description box, radio button (if available), etc.
  • Also, check the display of all the icons, product images, price value, etc.

Afterward, test if filters are performing properly or not?

  • As we know, the page has categories for the products, and it may be possible, the user tries to check the products category-wise, price-wise or popularity-wise, etc. Hence working of filters should be verified.

Result analysis

  • Once you have checked the UI and Filters, move to the logical part. Check whether the cart is showing the correct value or not. Verify the calculation accurately.
  • You should check Payment Gateway under various scenarios.

For example, after adding a product to the cart, what will happen if

  • Don’t make the final payment.
  • He selects the option of COD.
  • During online payment, his internet goes off.
  • He makes the payment successfully.

We hope now you have some idea through this web application testing example. Also, these are some rough scenarios that should be followed while testing an application.

Also, each application is different from others, hence the test cases vary based on the requirement of the web application.

Web application testing tools

The era is too competitive, and everybody needs perfection. To meet the expectations technocrats keep launching new concepts. Nowadays, we have many excellent web application testing tools that have decreased the effort of manual testing by 90%.

Means, can you imagine, just before a few years, a simple module takes many days to test, and with these automation testing concepts, we can test the complex application quickly. It is a technology-driven era, and we all should take its benefits.

Let’s have a look at the leading web application testing tools and implement them in your upcoming project.

  • Selenium
  • Ranorex
  • TestComplete
  • Watir
  • Katalon Studio
  • TestingWhiz
  • HPE Unified Functional Testing (HP — UFT formerly QTP)
  • Tosca Testsuite
  • Telerik TestStudio
  • Sahi

All these testing tools are adopted worldwide as they have brought a revolution to the QA world. We are also a testing company in India, and we know the worth of web application testing tools.

If you are looking for detailed information about these web testing tools, let us know.

Web application testing checklist

A checklist is mandatory during testing. It keeps you assured of quality testing. Also, without checklists, the testers may forget any of the modules, etc.

Here we are sharing an effective web application testing checklist that will not only strengthen the testing process but also save your time.

1: Focus on the minute errors: Testing demands patience, and one should never dare to perform in a hurry because the consequences can be dangerous.

Take your time to check out the minor errors with full conviction because this is something testers, miss. Even check out the typo errors and ask the concerned team member to fix the same.

2: Verify spam links on the website: Being a user, you must know, the spam links irritate a user the most. We immediately leave the website if we see spam links. Hence always secure the website from spamming.

3: Analyze the usability of a website: The usability of a website matters a lot because the conversion rate and quality of SEO depend on it. Always check the image optimization, call-to-action activity, user experience, login process, login credentials, user role, etc.

4: Navigation process testing: A web application has multiple pages, and users navigate frequently between them. Testers should check each navigation process from home to the thank you page because users have infinite options to roam on the website.

5: Mobile responsiveness: The website should be properly visible across all mobile devices. It is the mobile era, and the presence of your website on mobile devices should be accurate. Check its compatibility on Android, iOS, Windows devices.

6: Browser compatibility: QA team must check the performance of a website across all possible web and mobile browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, IE, etc. We don’t know the user’s browser hence testing the website across all the platforms becomes mandatory.

7: Loading Speed of a Website: This we all have experienced for sure. For a website that takes too much time to load, we close them instantly. As we have said earlier, the present era is too competitive, and users have 100 more options.

Hence always keep your website prompt so that your traffic could be yours only.


These are the basics of web application testing. Following the activities will definitely make you a reliable service provider for sure. QAble is the fastest-growing QA company in Ahmedabad, India. If you have any concerns or doubts, feel free to catch us.



QAble Testlab Private Limited
QAble Testlab Private Limited

Written by QAble Testlab Private Limited

QAble: A leading software testing company. We offer various software testing services to help you to achieve the best quality of your web & mobile application.

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