Tips and Tricks to Write the Better Test Cases
Do you know how to write test cases? The effective test cases bring quality and makes an application even more accessible. We at QAble always emphasizes on producing better test cases so that an excellent product could be developed.
Sometimes, we have seen testers don’t bother for effective test cases, they simply do it for the sake of doing. At the end, things become worsen and it creates unnecessary pressure.
Also, besides development of a product, there are lots of other activities and if we take more than expected time, everything will be disturbed. Hence to get rid of such issues, here we are sharing some tips and tricks to write the better testcases.
Tips and tricks to write the better testcases
Concrete knowledge of the domain:
Prior to writing a test cases, the deep understanding about the requirement very important. Incomplete information increases the scope of risks as a result of which the quality gets compromised.
Hence by keeping the business dynamics in mind, one should start writing the test cases. Also, incomplete knowledge is very dangerous and we all know it.
Prefer Smaller Test Cases:
Suppose there are too many steps involved in a test case, it is better to divide them in chunks. It helps developer in fixing the issue appropriately.
Long written test cases create confusion and sometimes developer does not able to identify the bug and they categorize it as unidentified error.
No assumptions:
In order to write the quality test cases, the tester must consider all the environment and conditions that can affect the performance. Sometimes, testers simply assume the performance of the modules and create test cases.
It may possible, application is working under scenario 1 but not under scenario 2. Hence, never follow your assumptions. Run the application across all the possible conditions and mention its response accurately towards each scenario.
Being a leading testing company in India, we always recommend to thoroughly analyze individual modules.
Follow a professional format and use naming conventions:
Test cases are like a bridge that fulfills the gap between an application and client’s requirement. It should be created by following the standard format and naming conventions.
Further, despite using autopilot for coding, we should give preference to naming conventions. One should mention the name, fields, test methods and local variables. Whoever has written the test case, will not be the concern anymore, because your document will be self-explanatory.
How to write test cases in Jira?
We all know, Jira is widely used for testing and if you are browsing, how to write test cases in Jira, here you go. Our quality team works using Jira as well and hence we are sharing an accurate way to develop result driven test cases.
So, let’s know how to upload test cases in Jira and make your testing practice more reliable.
To start working on Jira, you must be registered there. Login as a user having global administration permissions. The high-level permissions will ease your job because you to configure custom fields, Jira screens, schemas etc.
If you are willing to know the user-role that is given to you: Go to Settings → User Management → Users
Step 1: Create Project
Once you are on Jira Screen, you will be required to create project as shown in the screenshot as well. For that:
Go to the Home Screen → Projects → Create Project
Project Name: You can choose any project name depending upon your choice. But always keep that in mind for reference in the upcoming steps.
Template: You need to choose “Bug Tracking” also called as “Basic Software Development”. Do not keep it default.
Step 2: Add Preconditions
Now in the next step, the tester has to mention the preconditions. Preconditions help developers in getting the issue accurately. Make sure, you have written it with clarity. No need to create confusion by writing longer sentences.
Keep it short and explaining. Mention the other details like priority, status, assignee, version, etc.
Step 3: Insert Test Data and Mention Expected Result
To build an effective test case, you must mention the test scenario appropriately. Mention the input data, and expected result. Also, mention the scenario under which you are getting an error.
If you miss the scenario, developer will miss the bug-fixing and eventually the will not perform as expected.
Step 4: Add the attachment
In the last step, upload your test cases on the Jira tool. Make sure the document shall have all the errors, along with the environments and version of the used tools. Also, avoid using repeating bugs in order to avoid futuristic confusions.
How to write test cases in Excel?
If you use Excel file to record the bugs, no need to worry. Here we will let you know how to upload bugs in excel file or how to write effective test cases in Excel.
Step 1: Build a Test case Repository
Mention the basic details such as Project Name, Prepared By (Tester’s Name), Prepared for (Developer’s Name), Document Purpose, Application Type, Date and Version.
Maintaining these records are important because they play an important role as the process goes on.
Step 2: Create a Test Case Matrix
It will have details of Module and Number of Test Cases. Further, you need to add the status either as Pass, Fail or Not Tested. This practice will not let you miss any module and keeps the testing process simplified.
Step 3: Make a Detailed Sheet
The sheet contains the records of all the communication. This sheet will contain the information such as Test Case ID, Description, Precondition, Test Data, and Test Steps. Also, add the expected output and actual output.
It helps developer finding out the bugs precisely. Now one column for QA’s feedback and one for developer’s feedback. Hence through this sheet, everything will be in record to avoid futuristic confusions.
So, guys, in this way you can perform testing in Excel. Also, while testing the ultimate aim should be on quality. Never create confusion and keep it very simple.
QAble became a leading QA company in Ahmadabad Gujarat only by following the steps professionally. Hence, we keep encouraging others too.