What are the 7 principles of software testing?
Software testing is one of the essential processes for software development. Testing brings quality to the product and makes it more reliable.
During testing, the team verifies the software under various conditions. As a result, they bring perfection to the software.
Also, the testing team makes sure to create a possible real-time environment from the user’s perspective. It helps in getting a stable, user-friendly application.
Before knowing the testing principle, one should definitely understand the worth of testing in a software development process.
Developing software takes a lot of effort. Also, investors invest their time and money. Moreover, the development of an application takes place to reduce human effort and increase the business profit.
When such things are involved, we cannot take them lightly. A testing team should ensure the performance of an application under various conditions, and testing does the same.
Worth of testing
When an aspirant prepares for any competitive exam like CAT, IIT or UPSC, etc. He passes through various tests to strengthen his concepts.
He gives more and more tests only to make sure of his capabilities for the exam. In the same way, before going to the public domain, a team validates and verifies an application at various scales.
However, ignoring the testing process will give you financial as well as emotional pain. It is the reason; software development companies create a special QA department to assure the quality of the software.
Our software testing blog explains the 7 principles of testing. These principles ensure the smooth running of applications across various platforms.
So, if you are the one who is browsing for these 7 testing principles, here you go:
7 principles of software testing?
1.Testing shows the presence of defects, not their absence:
This principle of testing states that the aim of testing is to highlight the presence of defects so that developer could rectify them.
Moreover, during development, some issues get overlooked, and testers are responsible to get them.
Also, testing makes sure to highlight all possible hidden errors to obtain an efficient application.
Further, rectifying those errors does not guarantee that the product is now 100% error-free. The concept helps in reducing the bugs of an application.
And it always goes in the favor of the testing team. Because of this reason, IT companies follow the principle and delivers quality applications in the end.
Concept of principle
Additionally, we have mentioned, this testing principle revolves around the concept of showing the presence of defects rather than their absence.
This process drives confidence in the entire team and empowers the application as well. Also, through the testing process, everyone becomes sure that the tested application will not fail.
The testing team works on thorough test plans, cases, reports, and statistics in order to highlight the maximum number of bugs.
We all know, the more bug we find, the more quality comes to the application. In addition, if you are looking to increase the potential of your application, make sure to follow this principle for sure.
2. Exhaustive testing is impossible
Either we believe it or not, testing everything is impossible. It means one can not examine an application from all perspectives because inputs and outputs have infinite combinations.
And testing them all is not in one’s control. It is the reason, none of the software is 100% accurate. We can make its efficiency up to 99% but achieving 100% is really not possible.
We all know, the testing team works hard to make an application bug-free. But finding some errors is beyond the imagination.
Hence this testing principle explains that exhaustive testing is impossible.
Concept of principle
So, guys, give your best in testing. Also, once you have given your best shot, leave the rest.
There is no need to create panic once the application moves to production.
We have seen people who assume themselves too intelligent to find all the errors. When it does not happen, they become depressed.
Getting bugs in the public domain is not happening with you only. It happens for decades, but you have to keep your intent towards the possible solutions.
3. Early testing saves time and money
Sooner is always better, and the saying fits into the process of testing. Early testing is one of the most significant factors that bring quality to your software.
Moreover, testing does not always start after development. Even you can test it before coding as well.
For example: Whether the requirement is feasible or not can be tested before development. Also, a tester can suggest ways to the developer to minimize the scope of errors.
Additionally, when we start the testing process a little earlier, it saves time and cost. It is so because the developer knows the entire code and its resolution.
Concept of principle
There is no need to recall the entire function or recheck the complete structure of the code because the developer is active on the project.
Sometimes, the developer moves to the other project after the completion of the first project. And when testing of that project begins, the developer’s mind is somewhere else.
As a result, they take time to revise the code, etc. We all know, time is money. Also, resources are too costly. Hence early testing is the most promising thing that an IT company must follow.
It helps them increase their worth and revenue both. Apart from that, early testing brings the best for the software.
4. Defects cluster together
The principle of testing states that one module contains most of the issues.
It may be possible that one component or module is responsible for the maximum number of bugs that are causing the failure of an operational process.
Concept of principle
In statistical terms, we can say that 15% of code is responsible for 85% of the errors. If the testing team finds that specific module, their tension finishes, and 15% of issues are left.
It is the reason the testing team executes module-wise testing. And make sure the functions of that specific module are accurately working.
Further, being a leading software testing company in India, we know that the distribution of errors is not even in the entire application.
In most cases, we have seen maximum bugs belong to any one specific component or module. It is the reason; testing team notes the performance of each module during testing.
Also, sometimes because of integrating any third-party API or adding new features increases bugs. It happens because of the incompatibility of the API and generates defect clustering.
5. Beware of the pesticide paradox
This principle supports the concept of variation in testing. We will understand this principle with one real-life example.
We all are aware of pesticides that are given to the crops to protect them from insects. Also, if we use the same pesticide multiple times, the insects will become comfortable with them.
It is so because the immunity of the insects has increased. And now they have the power to fight with the pesticide.
Hence, farmers keep using various pesticides to maintain the health of the crops.
Similarly, we use the same testing method or test case to examine the code, it seems running suitably, but eventually, it may fail.
Concept of principle
One should always bring variation during testing. Always make up our minds for challenges.
If the application is running under one condition, what will happen if you make some changes.
Keep questioning while testing and the method helps you bring the best.
Further, we are presenting our software testing blog to keep you aware of the principles of testing. It helps you to make the system bug-free and reliable.
6. Testing is context-dependent
The principle of testing states that testing is dependent upon the context, and it is 100% true. See, we cannot define testing in a box because each application has its own demand.
We have defined a process of testing that is the same for all applications. But the approach of testing depends on the type of application
Concept of principle
You can easily understand the concept through an example. Suppose two projects are there for testing in which one is an E-commerce shopping platform, and the other is an Automatic Messaging System.
Now both the applications have their own demand, and you need to test them accordingly. While testing an E-commerce shopping store, the tester will validate all the activities from login to checkout.
Also, he will examine the products, their mapping to categories, user registration, etc. And when they test the Automatic Messaging System, they will have to think like an end-user.
Which questions can come to the mind of a user? The whole testing process will roam around this question. So, guys, testing is context-dependent, and keep this in mind while executing any testing process.
7. Absence-of-errors is a fallacy
The principle encourages the testing to validate whether the application is meeting the user’s requirement or not.
Suppose an application is worthless from the perspective of a user. Now there is no sense in finding and fixing its errors.
All will be just a waste. Hence, according to the principle, we should always analyze the worth and potential of an application.
Concept of principle
Always make sure if the application has something advantageous for the users. Always try to find out the answer to the question, “Why will the users use the application?”
If you get the answer, only then find out the bugs, otherwise do not waste your effort.
For example, the development team has given a chatting application to test, and its visibility is poor. Even users are not able to see what to type.
Now, if the application is 100% working, even then, there is no sense. The application is worthless for an end-user. When screens are not properly visible, how can you imagine that users will use the application?
So guys, always make sure that the developed application should meet the user’s expectations.
We have used our experience and best knowledge to explain the 7 principles of testing. Also, we are sure a tester always feels the concept while being in the process of testing.
Being the top software testing company in India, we make sure to follow the principles in our testing process.
Experts have defined these principles to maintain the quality of the product and build a robust testing process. We must follow it.
Our software testing blogs encourage you to maintain an excellent performance because the present time is competitive.
So, we all have to focus on quality rather than quantity.
After reading the testing blog, if you have any queries in mind, feel free to get in touch. Our experts will take your questions on priority and offer a quick resolution.